Meet all the engines, characters big and small, in
The Engine Series
illustrated hardcover books, which are aimed at Mums & Dads to read to their children from ages 2 to 6.
Meet all the engines, characters big and small, in this collection of all six stories from The Engine Series.
Puff along with engines: Little Titch, Gideon, Toc Toc, Rust Bucket, Sally Steamy and not forgetting, Minnie Millie the engine lookerafterer.
Black & White
Interior Edition
98 pages
Publisher: Lulu
Full Colour
Interior Edition
98 pages
Publisher: Lulu
William is a wooden engine who doesn't seem to be able to speak or even move.
Little Titch, Gideon and Minnie Millie go to the dark woods and discover... William. But can the wooden engine somehow help them find the lengendary Wooden Man who may, just may, bring light to the Deep Dark Woods..?
Full Colour
Interior Edition
26 pages
Publisher: Lulu
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