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Sherlock Holmes feature-length Special & Prequel plus Collections

Old Rookery

The Final Holmes and Watson Mystery...


 Attending a medical conference, Watson returns to Baker Street to find a much older Holmes, withdrawn and very retired.

 Remarkably, Watson's visit coincides with another: Lil, a girl from the notorious and appalling Old Nichol Rookery housing slum, is unaware the great detective has retired. She brings with her a first-hand sighting of a strange, glowing 'ghoul' which frightened her half-to-death in the dark ginnels of the Rookery.

 So, will Holmes and Watson, for one very last time, investigate a ghoul who does like to be seen..?


A Sherlock Holmes feature-length Special

Lord and Lady Cranleigh come to Baker Street with an intriguing mystery for Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. Their debutante

stepdaughter suddenly disappeared 10 years ago seemingly without a trace. They consult the detecting pair to finally discover what has actually happened to her.

Arriving at Cranleigh Hall, Holmes and Watson meet the Cranleigh family and slowly begin to form their suspicions. What secrets are they hiding? Can they piece together events from 10 years ago? Will a Cranleigh killing imminently take place?

As the investigation takes an even darker turn, Holmes realises that his and Watson’s lives could also be in dire, mortal danger…


A Holmes and Watson Series feature-length Prequel

Coming November 2024

Pre-Order NOW on Kindle!

Holmes and Watson Cover

The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection...

All 9 original mysteries of The Holmes and Watson Series comprising of 4 scripts of Series One and 4 of The Corvus Conspiracy. This unique collection also includes the Sherlock Holmes feature-length Special.
Now you can enjoy the entire Holmes and Watson series all in one place - no deduction required.

The Complete Holmes and Watson Series

"'ere 'olmes..."

The incorrigible Inspector Lestrade takes the lead, as he likes to view it, in 4 investigations, 'helped' of course by Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson.

Be there, as Lestrade shoelaces are tied up with Watson's and Lestrade actually getting it right for once, over the great Sherlock Holmes.

"How do they ever manage without me..?"


Sherlock Holmes Scripts 2
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